Thanks for tuining in man. I appreciate the positive vibe. I have one more Honda build left in me before I move on I'd say. I enjoy it still, but, it's time consuming and right now they are still "just a Honda.". Not so much an investment vehicle in this condition.
Like you, I do miss those good ol days, but I understand the shift towards IG/ Instant Gratification. On top of that it's definitely cheaper to buy a build than it is to build something yourself - death to build threads. Me, I'd always choose the latter, a build option, a tailored option. I do remember some NT03 talks lightly, hehe it's been a while. The TE tribe has won the hearts of old and new enthusiasts, old gems like NT03's are for us "dinosaurs." Looking back, I should have just sold them for dirt cheap, now here I am with a car for wheels.
Pipe Dreams
Today I set out to keep my mind occupied w/ whatever tinkering I could. I woke up at 4:21am, received a text at 4:33am, that my boys Mom has passed.