Values of USDM ITRs after JDM ITRs become legal

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Re: Values of USDM ITRs after JDM ITRs become legal

Post by DC2Iggy » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:53 pm

Sorry for bumping this from the dead but I thought maybe I could share some of my own findings.

Personally, I don't think the JDM market will affect USDM/CDM integras at all. If anything, it will just drive cost up as seen with the NSX and Supras. What I have noticed during my search is that the price of JDM ITRs has gone up considerably as it gets closer to that 25 year old mark. The 96-97 specs seem to be easier to come by at the auctions and can usually go for a little bit less than the 98+ specs. If you weed out the dealer cars, which usually populate the auctions for ITRs, you are left with only a handful of ITRs available for purchase without a reserve price. Out of those handfuls you are looking at maybe 1 that comes up every few weeks/months that is in really good condition (4 grade). All others usually have a Repaired title or hover around the 3 grade mark and usually go for a lot less. While looking at 98 specs ITRs myself I have noticed the prices go around 12-16k CAD landed in Canada. 96 Specs are usually around the 9-13k CAD mark. Typical cost of import is about $4k CAD so the actual vehicle cost of an ITR is about $5k-12k cad.

Now, if you start looking at dealer inventory available for purchase, you will notice a pretty big hike in prices, almost similar to that you would find in North America. Depending on the year and mileage you could be looking at anywhere from $18k usd to $24k usd for just the vehicle cost. Tack on the import fees on top of that and you are hitting the USDM market pricing. After some discussion with a couple of importers, it sounds like these dealers often mark up prices for American buyers whether they are in Japan or the USA.

The other thing is exactly as Minty Fresh mentioned. You are essentially buying a car sight unseen. You have the auction sheets, photos, and additional visual inspections (if requested and available) to determine if the car is right for you but otherwise you have no idea what you are getting. A car with a valid Shaken inspection could be in better condition but it could also mean nothing. Yes local cars are more expensive but you also have the ability to see the car in person or test drive it.

I've taken a gamble myself with importing from Japan so hopefully it all works out in my end. As my main focus is to have a more inexpensive and reliable track car (compared to my STI) rather than a nice show car, I was okay bringing in a JDM ITR at a lower cost. I think if I paid for a USDM one I would be afraid to beat on it or even drive it due to its rarity.

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