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WTB: EK front lower control arms OEM

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:49 am
by Little_Nolan
Interested in a set of OEM Honda front lower control arms for non-Si EK's (EX/HX/LX/DX only). Must be straight with no bends/crashes. Bad bushings are okay.

I will be using these to experiment and play around with different bushing types. I am located in VA and will cover shipping. Not looking to pay out the butt for these but am willing to reasonably compensate.


Re: WTB: EK front lower control arms OEM

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:55 pm
by coolhandluke
I will reach out to Slagg. :thumbup:

Re: WTB: EK front lower control arms OEM

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:51 am
by ph8ed4life
Man, I know I tossed away a lot of my old stuff last summer but can reach out to a friend to see if he has a loose set hanging around. Provisions for sway bars don’t matter, correct? The DX won’t have provisions, but EX/LX/HX will